Design Process

Mobile Ui for Chikela


Ux/Ui Design 


Chikela Farms





Case Study

Chikela Farms is an Agricultural firm based in Malawi. They deal with the production and sale of farm produce. Chikela prides itself on delivering seamless transactions between her farmers and the ultimate consumer. 


The client require to enhance the onboarding process of the farmers and consumers as well as enhance the function of the signup process for the users. 


1. Redesign of the signup and sign in screen

2. Restructure the dashboard for improved customer engagement

3. Enhance the signup process


Understanding the process

We scrutinize the process involved in the initial onboarding for the Chikela App and try to figure out the pain points for a user perspective. 

Evaluating Competition

We carried out research on other competitor’s applications within the region to get insight on how most farmers understand the use of the application. Secondly, we took the distinctive features of the dashboard and refined it to suit the intended user.

Information Analysis

We made use of cards to sort through the process of signing up on the application and went on to test the hypothesis with a few people observing how they would react to certain information that the client deems necessary for a successful signup. Using Wireframes with several iterations and testing, we designed a system that is valuable for customer usage.


Wireframing was done after proper analyses and deliberations. Based on initial concept and findings from user testing we made interactions to the design for optimal user satisfaction.



During research and testing, we had challenges with getting real farmers to test the wireframe designs. 


Using incentives like free product showcase for farmers who are willing to test the prototypes and discount coupons for customers on their first purchase with the application.

Visual Design

Based on the initial design language of the original application, I made the final high fidelity prototype using Adobe XD. 
